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What We Do


Professional Development

Tau Epsilon Kappa offers events including resume workshops, mock behavorial and technical interviews, headshots, and company informational sessions to its members. Our Professional Development committee strives to prepare our members to thrive in their careers and contribute to the future of technology.


Social Development

Our brothers are a close-knit group of students that will become some of your closest friends throughout your time at the University of Michigan. We hold a variety of different socials throughout the semesters, such as dinners, game nights, and holiday parties.


Academic Developement

At Tau Epsilon Kappa we strive for excellence when it comes to academics. Our network of brothers are always there for one another, whether it be to help with coursework or offer motivation before a big exam.

Come meet your fellow tech enthusiasts!

trivia night founding class friends bid night friends the boys meeting bid night founding class tek2 tek6 bid night bbq the boys tek5 TEK tailgate tek4 girl's mirror selfie